Friday, December 7, 2007

An award winning photographer...

In my short photography career I've come across many photographers and many websites. In this process, I have found many 'award winning photographers'. And when I did, I always wondered if ever any of my pictures would indeed win an award. Well, it turns out that to end the year on a high note, I have! And not only one image, but four.

This is all very exciting... and even though so far I have felt quite comfortable with my work, independent of what anybody else had to say, I have to admit, I feel a great deal of comfort that anyone else besides myself, finds my work interesting, profound, esthetically pleasing, or simply worthy of an award.

Tonight it's the opening of the juried exhibition including 35 Souther California photographers, at the Julia Dean Gallery and among them will be four of my images that got selected.

I have a profound appreciation for this possibility, as well as for those of you, out there, who have over and over gone far out of your way to support me. Thank you!

Lost Girl 1. 'Traveler' that I met in the streets of Portland, OR. It's been several years since she left her life as we are used to knowing life. She cannot longer sleep under a roof, anxiety keeps her up until she moves outside under the black sky, the moon and ideally, the railroad tracks.

The Tube. London life as seen in the Tube.

Nepal Buddhist Door. Annapurna Circuit Trek, Buddhist Temple in Marpha.

Indifference. Kid and his dog on a remote location in Gran Sabana, Venezuela.

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